.:: Be Inspired ....

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Monday, March 25, 2013


Dear future wife,

I just can’t seem to get you off my mind. The harder I try, the harder I fail. I turn to the left on my bed and I see your face, I turn to the right and I still feel you behind me. I know it isn’t normal and I can’t even say it to anybody but that doesn’t stop it from being a fact.

I wish you were here, wish I could touch you, wish I could say all the things my heart wants to say to you. I’ve never felt this way before. I’ve always devised a means to channel my emotions to where I want it to go but with you, it looks like I can’t help it. I’ll rather wait than wasting my time with the wrong person. Wherever you are my heart stays with you. 

Honey, let me ask you. Do you ever feel this way about me? Does my thought ever cross your mind at any time of the day? Do you look forward to hearing my voice or seeing my face, even if we’re not able to speak to each other? Do you lay on your bed at night and wish you had me close to you? Do you walk into your house and say “can’t” wait to have him all around me? I really wish you do. Even if you don’t, it’s okay for now because I know you will someday.

I’m going to keep this letter till the day I can give it to you to read. Until then, I love you so much and I miss you. It’s me your Romeo.

Your future husband,
Oluwole Joseph
twitter: @oluwoleinspires
BB Pin: 2792A50C

Please don’t just read, kindly make your comment.

Friday, February 1, 2013


I am writing this letter of mine to you from the real bottom of my heart, anyway that if my heart has a bottom. I wish you could see into my heart and see how real I want to express my love to you. I could remember the first time I set my eyes on you, but today I thank God it wasn’t love at first sight but love at insight.

It is the important thing for me to express to you and let you know that i love you. You really mean a lot to me, I wish i could do this in person while you cuddle in my arms and i stare blankly into your beautiful dark eyes.

I dream of you day and night, hallucinate your presence. I treasure any idea of you, prize any memory of you that rises from the depths of my heart, and will eagerly wait for the day when we will be together again.

The time i spent with you was the happiest moment of my life. I wish i spend the rest of my life together with you. Will you be my better half?

My love, my warm hug, and my most loving kissing will always be sent to you across the world.

Love always,

Yours lovingly.

BB pin 2792A50C

Thursday, January 31, 2013



Have you ever seen your guy’s expression change and go from happy eyes to glassy eyes in a flash?
You’ve probably said something you really shouldn’t have. A few points on what you shouldn't say to your guy. Avoid it completely.

So the next time you’re with your boyfriend or a guy friend, remember to avoid making him feel less like a man.

What you shouldn't say?

1. Your friend is so charming!
Did you meet a new friend of his who looks gorgeous or is so charming you felt your pants slipping down by itself? Just don’t tell your guy anything about it, especially if you haven’t complimented your guy about the same trait earlier.

 2. Why don’t you accept that you’ve failed?
Guys are pretty competitive when it comes to succeeding, especially when it comes to work or earning more money. If your boyfriend’s trying something new and you see him failing miserably, don’t tell him that straight to his face.

3. My ex did it, why can’t you?
Guys hate being compared, especially with your exes.You don't have to mention your ex, its your past so let it go.

4. Can you introduce me to that guy?
This is definitely dangerous grounds. Unless you’re asking your boyfriend to introduce you to a celebrity friend of his, never tell a guy this line.

5. What the hell is wrong with you, you idiot?
 Don’t ever yell at him or put him down in front of his friends or family. If you ever yell at a guy in public or in front of others, you’ll emasculate him and he’ll spend a lot of time away from you, plotting ways to get even with you for humiliating him.

To be continued...

Wednesday, January 16, 2013


The absence of value is more dangerous than the presence of love. Love is not the only ingredient that steers relationship to success, I have always believed in relationships where both partners have values to offer, what you have is what makes you relevant and important to your partner.
Life is more important than staying with someone that cannot increase your value worth, whoever cannot make you better will ultimately make you bitter. Marry someone who can nourish you not someone who will punish you with his or her valueless life.

Love doesn’t grow without nutrients and one of the nutrients of love growth is value, what you are able to bring in. Dolefully, many people step into relationship without any known purpose of doing so, as popularly quoted "abuse is inevitable when the purpose of a thing is not known"; so you can imagine the chaos ready to happen in any purposeless relationship.

Picture this; a confused man dates a confused woman, gets engaged and ultimately gets married, confused babies are ultimately the result. This makes the whole family a confused family. What a tragedy!

You don’t have to accept a man’s proposal when you are confused; you’ll rather be convinced about the future, don’t make decision based on assumption but on fact. I have realized that the only dangerous brand of poverty that exists in relationships today is poverty of character, too many people confuse having value with having things that are valuable. Assets, luxurious liabilities, swags and smooth talking does not equal great values most of the time, you need to see beyond the ordinary! 

 You don’t go for a car-man; go for a character-man.

You may be dating a man with television and he’s out of vision, are you dating a lady of beauty and she’s out of brain? not all beautiful women are virtuous women. Don’t date for pleasure, date for purpose, date for assignment not just assessment, if you can assess his physical ability make sure you can assess his mental ability and spiritual ability. Marry a problem solver not a problem creator.

There is a queen in you so stop dating a slave, you belong to the palace. Demand for your place and stay in your place. Don’t look for a man for what he drives; look for what drives a man.
A good test for your relationship is to ask yourself has this person helped me become a better person? Both parties must be willing to provide for each other, this goes beyond the physical things. I want to challenge you to be the best that attracts the best.

Thank you.